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Bucket List: 30 Before 30

10 Apr

On August 22, 2010, I will turn 30 years old.

A couple months back, a buddy of mine challenged me to come up with a list of 30 things I want to do before I turn 30. Below is the list of things I came up with. A couple of the items are “big deals” and although I had already accomplished them, they were on my unofficial list of things to do.

The biggest sacrifice so far has come by the way of sobriety. I think this can help me with item#2 under “Not Completed”. It’s going to be a tough road.

It’s always a good idea to start off with accomplishments…so here goes…


  1. Run a marathon
  2. Go camping
  3. Learn how to gamble.
  4. Begin writing a cookbook
  5. Tell someone I like, how I feel about them, regardless of the outcome
  6. Begin writing a book.
  7. Watch a movie I’ve never heard of before.
  8. Make someone feel special.
  9. Sleep in until Noon for once
  10. Figure out a system for managing my socks.
  11. Write a song
  12. Surprise an old friend.

To Accomplish

  1. Learn how to properly swim
  2. Get to under 200 lbs.
  3. Change someone’s life for good.
  4. Attempt to grow a plant
  5. Roadtrip through California by myself..visiting friends, breweries, wineries.
  6. Make someone laugh till they cry.
  7. Cook a complete meal for someone other than myself.
  8. Do a real pullup or ten.
  9. Properly cook an artichoke.
  10. Learn to dance
  11. Learn to skate (ice or rollerblade)
  12. Show someone the Grand Canyon
  13. Go to Moab and visit Arches National Park
  14. Brew beer at home.
  15. Buy a new computer (PC)
  16. Use my job skills to help someone outside the workplace.
  17. Ride in a helicopter
  18. Skydive

The Human Race 10k

12 Jul

A couple weeks back, I signed up for The Human Race 10k presented by Nike. This is a really cool race because it will be held in 25 cities around the world on August 31st, and the last race of the day will be in Los Angeles.

Usually Nike holds some sort of race in the early fall that ends with a concert. In past years, featured artists included: Vanilla Ice, Naughty by Nature and MC Hammer. This year, it is KANYE WEST! Not too shabby.

The race is 50 days away, so I have just enough time to get myself in running shape for this. I’ve spent the last few months focusing on my strength and weight loss at the gym. Although I’ve kind of fallen off the wagon over the past couple weeks, due to my ridiculous social schedule, I am ready to start training again.

On Monday the 7th, I started my training program that will end on August 31st with a 10k. During the weeks ahead, I will mix up maintainence runs with cross training. Also at the end of each week, I will have one “long run” that will get longer as the weeks pass.

Below is the training program that I have created for myself. I used a similar program for my past marathons:


Run Fatboy Run

24 May

I had a chance to see this movie a couple weeks back and I LOVED it. If you are a runner, want to be a runner, or just want a good laugh, then this is the flick for you!

Concept2 and Cleaning Out My Closet

18 May

It’s been far too long since I last wrote. I’m sorry for that, but I am in “off-season”. My next “season will begin later this year.

As mentioned before, my goal this summer is to get myself in great shape. I’ve reduced my fast food intake (to just about none), eating portioned meals throughout the day, and staying physically active five days a week.


Over the past two-three weeks, I’ve started using the Concept2 rowing machine. This is a machine that will really get you going. It’s a great cross-training workout because it’s low impact and helps build muscle throughout the body. One of my trouble areas is a weak upper body, and this has been helping me build muscle in key areas for my marathons: back, shoulders and arms.

Ok before I get into my next topic, I’d like to give you all a short story. When I moved to Los Angeles just over three years ago, I was severely overweight. I’m still overweight, but it’s nowhere near as bad as it was in 2005. I weighed 314 pounds! Today, I am happy (but not yet content) with my current weight of 247!

67 pounds! Gone. I don’t want to see them again. Ever.

Having said that, I would like to cut myself down to 210-220. There’s still a long road to go.

Why am I blabbing about all this? Well, it’s 104 degrees outside right now and I can’t do much. So I decided to start cleaning out my closets. I dumped three boxes of clothes into my living room and sorted through them. Turns out that 90% of the clothes no longer fit because they are ridiculously large.

Pants that are XXL, 44 waist, shirts that are XXL (big big big).

Taking these out to the donation center was a bit rough for me. I was saying goodbye to my former self. My clothes. MY clothes.

Going through these clothes brought back so many wonderful and painful memories: Clifford’s birthday party, my first job interview in LA, the clothes I wore when I got laid off, and even my favorite shirt.

Today is a new day, and tomorrow will be as well. It was just nice to go through these garments, one last time.

LA Marathon 5K

3 Mar

Today, I ran in the Los Angeles Marathon 5k. There a few things to note:

  • This race brought back memories from the LA Marathon last year because it follows along a portion of the course.
  • I ran with my friend Krystle, who I am convinced is the coolest person to run with.
  • I PR’d at 42 minutes, which is great considering that my training pace in the past has been significantly slower.
  • This course is in a very “urban” area. We saw a front yard that not only had a broken down Oldsmobile, but a horse.  Who keeps a horse in their front yard? WTF!

All in all, this was a fun 5k to run. I saw lots of people who were in the Acura Bike Tour. This 25 mile bike ride through Los Angeles always takes part on the day of the LA Marathon. I think I’d like to take part in this next year.

ALSO….I have decided to change the location of my next marathon. I had originally planned on running in the London Marathon in April 2009, but I think I want to run the Salt Lake City Marathon. It takes place around the same time of year as the London race. There can be nothing better (and affordable) for me than to run a race in my home city…I know I can get all of you Salt Lake City readers to come out and support me. I will begin training for this race in October. I’m so excited!!

As for today, I am seriously SPENT! I’ve had a really busy week with work at the New Balance booth (at the LA Marathon Expo). My feet, legs and back are sore. I’m sure running this morning didn’t help, but crossing the finish line made it all worthwile. Now, it’s time to ice up.